TPMA International Project Management Practical Level Course High / Vocational School Students' Feedback

The TPMA International Project Management Practical Level Course" was offered at Dajia High School on March 6 and 7, 2021; gathering Dajia High School, Mingdao Middle School, Qingshui High School, Zhiyong High School, Dajia High School, Mingdao High School, more than 30 senior high / vocational school elites, including Taichung University of Science and Technology, participating in a 12-hour international project management course and obtaining a TPMA project management practical basic course certificate, which greatly helped students in their future studies and employment.

Contact Information
Unit: Taiwan Project Management Association
Contact Window: Project Director Wu Jiangbin
Contact Number: 07-7476543
Official LINE@ID: @uns7215z
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